How to Dry Your Lavender

by | Jul 2, 2011 | Herb Garden | 0 comments

Lavender in full bloom is always a beautiful sight and it smells simply amazing! Fortunately for us, it’s possible to preserve the beauty and essence of this wonderful herb by drying it. After you’ve harvested it, here’s how to dry your lavender so you can continue to enjoy its scent.

fresh bunch of lavender flowers to be dried

For 99% of Sweet Valley herbs, we recommend fresh or fresh-frozen. Lavender, however, is just lovely when it’s dried.

Lavender is always most fragrant right before the blooms open, so we recommend harvesting them for drying before they are in full bloom. Cut the mature blooms just above the leaves, getting the longest stem possible. If you get some foliage it’s okay as it’s super fragrant too!

Being careful not to crush the stems, tie each flower stem separately with a roll of string. Leave about 3/4″ between each stem so that the air will circulate between them and they do not rot or get moldy. Tie the ends of your string together to form a loop, so you have a ‘chain of lavender’.

Dry your lavender by hanging this chain in a cool dark place with the lavender flowers pointing down. It will take about a month for it to completely dry. The length of time depends on your weather. It will take longer if it is humid.

Dry your lavender for use in potpourris, in sachets, soaps or just hang it and enjoy!